Saturday, December 25, 2004 |
gotta love it! |
everytime i take a trip either through or to hongkong i always write a post about how awesome the airport lounge is. Thank daddy for letting us consistently take business class so we can take the pleasure in filling up with dimsum, congee, high-speed internet and the smoking bar with free flowing alcohol. If you check out the bathroom, they've got these awesome metal showers that make you just want to spend the next few days living here. sigh. haven't taken advantage of it though. we only always stay here for about two hours max before boarding again.
can't remember how long the flight to vancouver is...and the in-flight movies ain't great!bummer. to name a few - there's shark's tale, catwoman (sorry chicklet! but to each her own right?), princess diaries 2, bad santa, home alone etc. I'm just making a comparison with the movies i watched on my last trip like House of Sand and Fog, 21 grams etc. But i guess i can watch We don't live here anymore just to get a glimpse of Mark Ruffalo again.
And alexis just informed me that there's a supposedly good movie called Life Aquatic directed by Wes Anderson that will be showing in vancouver. now to check if the price of watching a movie there is worth it.
Ok, have about twenty more minutes to kill. think i'll spend it with a last ciggie and a jack coke - uh excuse me waiter?
posted by maldita @ 11:55 PM
The only thing that can save the world is the reclaiming of the awareness of the world. - Allen Ginsberg |
In a few hours my ass will be on a plane to vancouver. I want to wish everyone a happy new year in advance and hope you celebrate with lotsa booze, smokes, and sizzling sexy someones. I don't have anything profound or eloquent to write about at the moment so i'll just leave you with some music to listen to...
Check out the punk swag of Razorlight, Bloc Party and The Futureheads. If you prefer the rustic shit then set your ears to American Music Club.
And one last thing...
thought you guys should read this article by none other than alexis that urges us to boycott the Manila Film Festival. As he has written, "It has long been said that Philippine Cinema is on its death-bed. This statement is incorrect. The Philippine film industry, not Cinema as a whole, is; and rightly so. Hundreds of millions of pesos are wasted by the Film Industry investing in works that can not hold a candle to smaller, independent productions...The Philippine Film Industry is on its death-bed...the Metro Manila Film Festival is holding the last nail to seal its coffin. The audience holds the hammer."
The Breakfast Show on Studio 23 will be airing a special episode dedicated to Philippine Independent Cinema in 2004, 6:30-8:00am this Friday December 31.
If you would like to see and hear from the filmmakers behind some of the best and most interesting works in Philippine Cinema in 2004, tune-in. Featured guests are:
Khavn Dela Cruz ("Ang Pamilyang Kumakain ng Lupa"),
John Torres ("Salat" and "Tawid Gutom"),
Pam Miras ("Bloodbank"),
Lav Diaz ("Ebolusyon ng Isang Pamilyang Pilipino"),
Rox Lee ("Romeo Must Rock"),
"Bunso" by Ditsi Carolino (film discussed, filmmaker not present),
Mes De Guzman ("Diliman")
and Raya Martin ("The Island at the End of the World").
posted by maldita @ 9:18 AM
Friday, December 24, 2004 |
Top 10 list |
So this is Christmas...and i'm checking out the band skeds in Vancouver. Already got a pass for one gig on the 28th at the Roxy. Thanks to mapquest for directions to all the places i want to check out there.
So anyway, just found Filter Magazine's Top 10 artist list for 2004...
1. The Arcade Fire
2. Wilco
3. Elliot Smith
4. Franz Ferdinand
5. The Killers
6. Secret Machines
7. M83
8. Modest Mouse
9. Mad Villian
10. Razorlight
Listened to some of them and these ranks seem to be up to par with my own tastes. I still have to find some other songs...good thing there's XML so i can just taste the music samples on the site before i buy the albums.
Honorable mentions: The Veils, Muse, Elbow, Earlimart, Autolux, PJ Harvey, Magnet, the Zutons, Rogue Wave, The Black Keys, TV on the Radio, Interpol, Morissey, The Concretes, Embrace, The Velvet Teen
posted by maldita @ 9:49 AM
Tuesday, December 21, 2004 |
missing... |
let's just forget everything said
and everything we did
best friends, better halves, goodbyes
and the autumn night
when we realized we were falling out of love
there were some things that were said
that weren't meant like we never did
not to be overly dramatic
i just think it's best cause you can't miss what you forget
so let's just pretend
everything and anything between you and me
was never meant
- "Never Meant" by American Football
posted by maldita @ 6:49 AM
Wednesday, December 15, 2004 |
tip from carnet de voyage |
How do you let go? You stop analyzing and asking why.
you can learn a lot from Craig Thompson's exquisite books. Aside from this (very evident) piece of advice from Carnet de Voyage, was another point made when he started whimpering in a curled up ball about how sad and lonely he was. There was a little caricature cartoon on the side that pointed out he was just being selfish and too caught up in his own little dementia to notice his fortune. Just earlier he spotted a woman carried in a wheelbarrow in Morocco because she had no feet. Or the man who had to feed three other families aside from his own.
So stop whining.
Yep, i'll stop asking why and the whining. |
posted by maldita @ 9:00 AM
Tuesday, December 14, 2004 |
Pasko na. |
Hi all...even more important than any event that i've posted in the past, it is Christmas. And there are lots of things to do this season to make it mean more - not only to yourself but for those who look forward to at least one day in the year to be happy.
I was walking around Rustan's yesterday with my mom and noticed a christmas tree with some written cards. Upon closer inspection they were letters from less-fortunate children who only wish for a few things this Christmas. Almost all said "damit, sapatos at laruan" (clothes, shoes and toys)...this may be very simple but i think the thought of those children's smiles as they open up presents will be more than worth it. If you have items you can can drop by Rustan's (U level) to pick a child to give to. I also realize that everyone is rushing this Christmas season but would still want to contribute, you can send the stuff through me. I'm planning to go with my friend, Sadrina next week to give some gifts so we can also deliver yours for you. Just email me at I'm going to go back this week to note some of the cards so you can address the gift cards yourself. Will post more specifics soon.
and here's another thing you can do (from Itos):
Everybody knows what took place in Quezon a couple weeks back, and those who arent living under a rock saw how much devastation and misery the two consecutive typhoons wrought on our unfortunate countrymen. Even as donations continue to pour in from various sectors of society, some of us thought that maybe we, too, could stand up and be counted among those that cared when some of our countrymen needed it the most. To that end, we thought of combining an all-out Christmas party with a fundraiser/relief drive!
That's happening this Saturday,December 18, at Yaku bar and resto in Sommerset suites in Aguirre st.9 pm.Mojofly is playing and they're pretty good! Come and enjoy the free booze(vodka, scotch, tequila, beer) all night and the great entertainment and music! All that we will require from you is to bring goods or cash for the relief effort. This will serve as your entrance fee. I know you will agree this is a small price to pay for something priceless.
Owing to your vast network of friends and associates, We're sure we can get enough people to come and give to this effort. In cash or kind--old clothes,blankets, towels, medicines, dried goods, milk, instant noodles, etc.
We're arranging for a truck to be parked outside the venue so the goods can be conveniently dropped off and the guests can party without worry. The truck will then deliver the goods to a residence which will then be immediately transferred to the various affected areas for distribution.
We expect that they will receive the goods just in time for Christmas. It can also help make your holiday season more meaningful. There will be a registration table outside Yaku for those who would rather pledge cash than give goodies. Any amount is welcome of course, as the peso goes a slightly longer way in far-flung provinces like Quezon and Nueva Ecija. So Remember:
What: Christmas Party Relief Drive (Free Booze and Music all night!)
When: December 18, 2004, 9pm
Where: Yaku Bar and Resto, Sommerset Milennium Residences, Aguirre St. Legaspi Village, Makati Entrance Fee: Relief Goods or Cash Pledges in any amount |
posted by maldita @ 9:03 PM
Monday, December 13, 2004 |
star sighting |
do you realize that there are no stores that sell christmas tree stars? I'm talking about the star on top k, not the ornaments. I've seen lights, candy canes, balls and other dangly stuff...but no star. I made the rounds but found nothing. see, this year i set up the christmas tree. Inspired by the Rockwell set-up, I used gold and red (lack the orange-y gold though) for our trimmings as opposed to the blue and silver last year. But we couldn't find the staaaaaaaar!
on goes the hunt for the gold member...
posted by maldita @ 5:58 AM
Sunday, December 12, 2004 |
hang me up to dry |
i'm hung over like hell from last night. We were inebriated to the brim by about 2am...but it didn't stop the single chicks from catching Kapatid play at Peligro then get a breakfast bite at Capones after the superfly Bargrooves party. We just had to get some live music in our veins after all that pumpin house shit. (akala ko ba lounge?!)
Only one incomprehensible occurrence:
guy: hi, can i take a picture of you girls?
me: sure
so all four of us conjure up our best smiles.
guy: ok, thanks!
guy walks away.
all of us: who was that? i thought you knew him! no, i thought you knew him. I thought he'd introduce himself after or something. but he was cute wasn't he? yeah. darn why didn't he introduce himself.
(whoever you are...hope you can share it with us sometime)
have to learn to focus better after consuming too much tanduay. because half the battle is all about the control.
will post more pics (mine, this time) when i can function again. my head hurts.
posted by maldita @ 7:49 AM
Thursday, December 09, 2004 |
from tha Superfly... |
so who else is going?
and to my buds on the list...don't forget we have to be there before 12 midnight k? and since it will be packed to the brim, we gotta go early to get some space on those sofas!
posted by maldita @ 6:52 AM
Scorpio says |
not sure if i agree with this:
Scorpios are highly dangerous, even at a distance. They cheat and lie, live for intrigue, and take pleasure in destroying. Pathological sadists and masochists simultaneously, they will not find any means too low or dishonorable if it can aid in reaching their goals.Going to great lengths, they will strive to create a positive image of themselves, just so they can backstab an opponent when he least expects it.
Their career is built on the bodies of their more scrupulous victims. If a Scorpio just told you how much he values your friendship, be certain he has already ratted you out to the boss in an attempt to curry favor. (well, this explains why i'm not one to give praise and compliments much)
Scorpios are famous for their affinity to dirty jokes and cheap porno movies. They will spread rumors about their sexual conquests, cruelly smearing anyone unlucky enough to be involved with them. (more like, i can ruin you if i want to...the wrath of a scorned scorpio woman)
Find yours
and from experience...i should say that this one is very true.
posted by maldita @ 12:26 AM
Wednesday, December 01, 2004 |
rain rain go away... |
please go away, storm clouds! tonight is the NU Rock Awards and my bro and i have been utterly excited to go...thanks to the mastah Quark for the passes - we owe you bigtime! what's the big deal about this year? it's our first friggin time to go! aaaaaaaugh!
Anyway, been up since 5am bunked up with a buddy where we watched the news over breakfast. It was really sad what some provinces are going through because of this storm. and based on the forecast, it's still travelling through and so we can expect the worst to rampage manila within a few hours or maybe tomorrow. I was listening to the broadcasts to see if there were any relief centers near me that I could volunteer for. Unfortunately they're all located somewhere like ABS-CBN Foundation in Quezon City etc. I will probably need to be bailed out myself if i drove there. sigh. if anyone knows of some groups organizing relief for the flood victims, please tell me. thanks so much!
posted by maldita @ 7:26 PM
Batter up ! |
Where did the term “player” come from? It came from the game. And what is the game all about? The game is all about making sure the ego is happy. If you get caught in this trap of just padding your ego where either a quantity or a select quality of people become attracted to you then you may call yourself a player. And what you see is what you get. I remember writing about a similar topic a year ago.
Most of us would cringe at the thought of being labeled a player. Society shuns it as if it were the stamp of poison. But how many of us are guilty of it? Let me set the stage. You find someone attractive. You flirt and try to start a conversation. But after a few minutes (or even a few days or dates) you either feel chemistry or not. If you continue the act of attracting them with tried and tested gestures even with this factoid screaming in your head then you are playing the game. Congratulations! And with the ease of a veteran in the field.
I’m not being hypocritical and saying all these pinch-hitters are stinkers. Hell, we’ve all been guilty of the same acts. So we are all players at several points in time. But I thought of writing this to put things in perspective before you call the next man (or woman) who hurts you a jerk. They could be, but they could have also not been aware of it. Knowledge is rulebook. Play with the other players. If you are searching for something more substantial then simply stay in the bleachers. Damn, how many baseball terms am I going to use? Haha.
Before you label the next competitive participant a supposedly derogatory term, remember that the ego is a natural element in one’s existence. We need a good nudge in the optimistic direction of relative attraction from time to time. What sets one apart from a destructive relationship is the lack of awareness. If you are consciously using another person for egotistical betterment with full knowledge that they do not share the same sentiment then it is a cognizant infliction of pain.
I have been asked how you avoid such sucker situations. Problem is, you can’t. What helps is that you are sentient enough to know yourself, get to know the other better and know when to stop. You aren’t a sucker if you walk away, you’re a sucker if you know and yet still stay.
To quote one of my favorite movies of all time – The Tender Trap starring Frank Sinatra:
Joe: I don’t get it. Anything this guy does is okay with you. Why do you let him shove you around? You’re a beautiful woman, you’re intelligent, you’re everything a man dreams about. Why do you stand for it?
Sylvia (to Charlie): Go after her, Charlie. Don’t settle for second best. I know one thing, there’ll be no second best for me anymore. I will find me an honest-to-goodness guy who’s looking for an honest-to-goodness girl. Somewhere in this great city there must be one.
posted by maldita @ 6:08 PM