:: musings of a misfit ::: all i want for christmas is you.
Sunday, November 26, 2006
all i want for christmas is you.

has anyone noticed how lazy everyone is this holiday season? ayala avenue used to be filled with joy and tidings...now it's just some plastic decor, a few lights and not a smile in sight.

even with all the bazaars, you don't feel the spirit. No one is excited. It's really sad. I can say it isn't really something i'm looking forward to - since JB isn't here to share it with me. Would have been our first christmas together. It would have been nice to visit churches, do our shopping together and shifting dinners between both our families.

it isn't even cold. the air just doesn't have anything in it. I'm busy trying to put together two company presentations for the christmas party which is in about two weeks. sacre bleu! i don't know what to do. all i've done so far is gather songs that we could use but honestly, that's as far as it goes.

In the effort to get my own spirit into the holidays, i've thought of my christmas list, been playing songs and just trying to feel a little bit more positive. Hard when you're missing the love of your life who is 3,500 miles away. AND you're trying to get your butt in gear to finish next year's marketing plans.

The only thing that has actually been figured out is the annual christmas gathering of friends. Well, not really planned, but it was discussed. We have to do it before chris goes on her trip to vegas, as always. We figure that we would all get really dressed up and have dinner at Cuisine. Great food. and then probably pick up our skirts and get some christmas beer in beers paradise. hehe. and of course, how would a night be complete without ending up in capones. sad how we're so predictable that way but it's still a vast improvement from last year's plans that never happened. I think all we did was get dressed up to hang in my house before heading to capones. hehe.

well today i finally got my ipod fixed. they said i had overdrained its battery. and i bought a new cable so i could finally charge it again. never did find my original one. jb? honey? do you have it? i could have sworn i lent it to you :) anyway, got about three items off my personal to-do list and that's REALLY GOOD. maybe this week i'll get to do two or three more. like finally get my hair (that's until my waist already) cut and find time for a relaxing facial (i seem to be breaking out in zits recently. zits! i never get zits!)

now how does one ship gifts to north carolina...hmmm...

all i want for christmas is you by olivia olson
posted by maldita @ 4:47 AM  

she had eyes like two turntables mix(h)er in between my dreams and reality blend in ancient themes the bas(e)is of isis cross-faded to ankh the beat drops like a cliff over looking my heart - Saul Williams

    today i'm feeling...The current mood of mescueta at www.imood.com

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