my fault, my failure, is not in the PASSIONS I have, but in my lack of CONTROL of them. - Jack Kerouac
:: musings of a misfit ::: merry christmas darlings!
Thursday, December 23, 2004
merry christmas darlings!
the girls (and guys) decided to have our annual christmas dinner once again. I figured it would be more relaxing to transport ourselves outside a mall so made the reservations at Pasto at the fort. With numerous stories, reminscent of our over eight years together as friends - it was so relaxing and warm. Just how Christmas should be celebrated. We were each like Santa Claus lugging our big bags of presents for everyone. Small tokens but nevertheless sweet.
gorgeous sadrina & me
the girls(who were once the majority, now a minority) my fashionable friend trina and me
the whole group (...we still need a name, guys!) last year's Christmas may have been filled with excitement and exhuberant emotions with the arrival of a new inspiration but this year is different. Subtle. Serene. Steady.
she had eyes like two turntables mix(h)er in between my dreams and reality blend in ancient themes the bas(e)is of isis
cross-faded to ankh the beat drops like a cliff over looking my heart - Saul Williams