:: musings of a misfit ::: beautiful day(s).
Monday, February 13, 2006
beautiful day(s).
You should never say never. Like my doctor friend who said he would never play golf because he hated the stereotype. He was also a commitment phobe. Now...he's married. and plays golf.

I hate maintenance. I feel like having a skincare regimen or any kind of system for my body is not necessary and is only reserved for very vain people. I like everything to be as simple as possible. like I don't have any three-step program for my face. I've seen a lot of girlfriends have every possible cream and moisturizer and they have the worst complexions. i've had ivory and water for years and i rarely get a zit. maybe once a year at most. So don't fix when there's nothing to fix.

BUT. now i guess I've given in. Age has caught up with me so i think they were right when they said i should use moisturizer on my face. Got advice from frances to use this apricot scrub for hands and feet which i also use for my legs to get them smooth. And then some of the girls gave me Phytomer body declic (doesn't it sound delicious?)contouring emulsion which is meant to firm up and tighten skin. Note: it is NOT to lose weight. Which leads me to tennis. After playing four straight days i noticed I am finally starting to feel lighter. It's a slow but productive start. I stop for a few days though to recuperate but my goal is to at least get into a regular 3 or 4-day program which i could still keep after i find the next job. I'm also happy to be getting tanner each time. I've moved from the shell court to the open hard court with tan amplifier all over my boodey - i may not look it yet but at least i can smell like i came from the beach.

Next is I want to rid my legs of any unwanted marks. So i got the extraderm exfoliant that my friend's wife recommended. It worked on most of the tiny little spots that irritate me...but my goal of having flawless silky legs will just have to wait until I go back to my doctor. See, not many people know this but I have skin asthma. So i am allergic to my own sweat, as well as so many other things. If I ever need to, I use this cream he gives me to help heal any wounds or itchy allergies. But i've run out. So i gotta get another prescription again. I used to revel in the fact that I was the only one in my family without the usual kind of asthma but when i got older it surfaced in my skin. bummer.

As per my dad's advice also...I took some sleeping pills over the weekend to get my nocturnal snoozies fixed. Coupled with some other pills called St. John's Wort which I've only heard of in comic strips in the past. It's supposed to calm you down. And then I've also tried this Detoxi-pad that norby told me about. It's a patch you put on your foot while you sleep which sucks out all the toxins from your body for 8-10 hours. So last night I slept with socks on. Just to make sure the patch stayed put. And woke up and checked it out...and found this icky icky green goo. Thank God it was contained in the patch. I wouldn't want to know what that smelled or felt like. Although a part of me is still skeptical whether it's just all bullshit. Oh well. no harm except for the money i already used to buy it..

So basically...i have turned into a tedious monster. Lots of skin tanners, creams. scrubs, lotions. And I'm vain enough to ask friends to take down some pictures on their multiply site because I look hideous...

But I think all of this might be a good refocus of energies from old bad habits. So now I can "leave with no regrets".

Well she wants to live her life
Then she thinks about her life
Pulls her hair back as she screams
I don’t really wanna live this life
She only drinks coffee at midnight, when the moment is not
Right, her timing is quite-unusual
You see her confidence is tragic, but her intuition magic
And the shape of her body - unusual

- Meet Virginia by Train

beautiful world by colin hay
posted by maldita @ 3:07 AM  

she had eyes like two turntables mix(h)er in between my dreams and reality blend in ancient themes the bas(e)is of isis cross-faded to ankh the beat drops like a cliff over looking my heart - Saul Williams

    today i'm feeling...The current mood of mescueta at www.imood.com

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