:: musings of a misfit ::: so long.
Thursday, August 10, 2006
so long.
When we are no longer able to change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves. ~Victor Frankl

it's a comforting feeling to know that no matter how long you disappear from the physical world of friends...they don't stop being just that. they don't stop caring. even if they haven't seen you in weeks or months. It's a kind of loyalty. We really shouldn't look down on "friend love" as below that of "romantic love". because it usually lasts longer. It withstands more than it can handle. Even if you're in love with your partner, you also need to be friends. It's a basic liking for each other that should be part of the foundation for everything else that you have.

I bumped into jolly last sunday and it was nice to catch up on recent developments. I'm so happy to hear he's excited on his upcoming marriage. He had lots of advice for me and insight. Same goes for an impromptu phone call from angie. Well, we had gotten in touch with each other for work reasons but ended up talking about the personal goings-on. Same reason with a call from Wesley. Under older circumstances, it would be a different kind of conversation - more about what the next drink would be. But having weaned myself out of the whole night scene, these periodic conversations have stirred up a straightforward and sincere kinship with these simple and nice people.

had a short text chat with another good friend last night. And he was encouraging me to be strong. That change is something to look forward to. It really is. And it isn't easy - definitely. But just like with all other difficult things, it's WORTH IT in the long run. We don't only have to put up with certain situations. We don't just have to tolerate it or retaliate with a fervent rejection. You might just end up with a bad ulcer. It's a slow but steady process of ACCEPTANCE. and APPRECIATION.

Pretty soon, it won't seem so hard anymore. At least that's what i'd like to believe. I hope i'm right.

Then he said something that left me at a loss. He said, remember and be the girl we all know. But I could not even distinguish who that was anymore. It's like a blank slate where everything has fallen apart and crumbled. It would be easy to just go back to how I used to be, but i know i don't want to go there anymore. so much has happened that can CHANGE a person. Then...I wonder who I am...? or better yet...who am i supposed to be now?

So many questions...so little time.
i'm just thinking out loud and rambling. don't mind me :)

so long by guster
posted by maldita @ 8:13 AM  

she had eyes like two turntables mix(h)er in between my dreams and reality blend in ancient themes the bas(e)is of isis cross-faded to ankh the beat drops like a cliff over looking my heart - Saul Williams

    today i'm feeling...The current mood of mescueta at www.imood.com

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