Wednesday, August 16, 2006 |
if i never get sick. |
I just got the best surprise. I've been sick in bed for the past two days...and i've become pretty yucky as you might expect. Trying to sweat the chills away, avoiding cold showers, and pretty much staying in bed because i'm just too weak to get up.
i often feel alone when i'm sick. because i wouldn't want anyone to see me in that gross state. and during the day, everyone's really busy. i always wondered how i would be able to stand it - living in the US by myself. not having my mom nearby. i don't really run to her for anything anymore (she didn't even know i was sick at home today) but it's the thought that she's just downstairs was like a security blanket. what if i didn't have that anymore?
So anyway, just as i was taking my umpteenth nap, i thought i heard someone come in the door. thinking it was my mom or the maid, i didn't really want to get up. but then they sounded too quiet. so i looked around and saw JB standing there in full doctor get up! he came to check up on me. even after 48 hour duty! i am still shocked how he could withstand staying up for 48 hours straight, and then drive all the way to makati just to check up on stinky ol' me. and he didn't get grossed out or anything. i had one ex-boyfriend who avoided me like the plague when i had a cold. the plague! but here's jb still hugging and kissing me. i guess that's love. though sometimes the words are what you need, i think times like these - he really doesn't need to say anything anymore.
It was really sweet. he actually gave me the checkup. he listened to my lungs with his stethoscope as i breathed and then he looked down my throat. then he reminded me on my medication dosage, checked my current meds (found out some were expired) and then left to go home.
It's like the dream i had last night. It also comes with watching Scrubs all the time. I knew JB was on duty in the hospital and we hardly see each other as it is. and since i was sick, i dreamt that i was a patient in the hospital. he would come in to check on me every so often so i got to see him more. it was great. except for me being sick-part. hehe.
see, i love surprises. more than anything else in the world. it makes me happy and giddy. and it's hard to surprise me so the rarity alone makes it special. jb always seems to give me that. last week he surprised me with the Grimace bobblehead i've been wanting. he is amazing. and for all the problems our relationship goes through, i don't give up because the good times still outweight the bad. not in quantity, but quality.
if i never get sick by the wallflowers |
posted by maldita @ 11:08 PM