Wednesday, April 19, 2006 |
weighed down. |
i am a vent-er. Truly madly deeply. why else would i have this blog, a journal and whatever else i can get my hands to write on. it is sometimes misinterpreted as a need for advice or consolation but in reality, and from how i've strived to know myself over the years, just a need to blow off some steam.
I think this is vital for survival. Especially when an upsurge of emotions such as mine does on a regular basis, can wreck anyone's sanity.
i admire those who keep it together. and i've seen even the most intense scorpios do so. i thought it was me. my lack of control. and it really bothered the control-freak that i am. but later on a discovered that these same people have supportive loved ones who provide them with the listening ear or stability they need. so that's how they do it! they have these dual rock/sponges that simply give them a hug when needed, an ear on standby, a heart that empathizes, a shoulder to cry on, a pat on the back, a reassurance that everything will be alright.
lucky you. you get to be any of these to me simply by reading my blog rantings.
but in any case, thanks for listening. I needed that.
Scorpio horoscope quickie: There is no shame in asking for help. It's wise to realize you can't do it all.
weighed down by jars of clay |
posted by maldita @ 10:54 AM