:: musings of a misfit ::: it's all been done.
Thursday, February 23, 2006
it's all been done.
it's such a nice relaxing sunny afternoon. Hard to believe the president just declared a state of emergency and everyone is being sent home from offices and schools. for reasons i do not want to share, the day started out really good. But for one thing, I woke up early even if we had stayed out late lastnight to finish the boys' gig at ponti. Maybe because i refused drinks early enough to have kept myself in a state of sobriety.

but all this daydreaming today is leading me to procrastinate yet again on putting together my talk for next week. I wish i was at the tennis courts, rays of light shining down on me, while pounding a good workout. I had stopped playing this week because of my colds and cough. Last friday it was already starting that i had to make several stops during one single game so as not to collapse. I feel deprived without the exercise. I think i'll try to wake up bright and early on sunday to join my dad in a game before going to mass.

i'm supposed to be going on this group date thing with some friends tonight. I moved it from greenbelt to rockwell just so we can avoid the riot-tempting ayala avenue. At least in a worst case scenario, i could walk home. I also think i'll cancel tomorrow's lunch with the 308 girls. These appointments aren't really imperative matters.

I'm trying not too get irritated with this whole thing but i just feel like there are too many ignorant filipinos who are misinformed and enticed to walk the streets in protest and for what? to overthrow the government - yet again? to bring back erap? are they crazy? we are supposedly a democracy and yet instead we're creating an anarchy. Is that all we know what to do - organize rallies for the rest of our lives every February of the year? sigh. And so now the investors and businesses will go down for fear of instability in our country. And then they'll blame the president for it when it's their own actions that caused it all. She may not be perfect and i don't really like her but this shouldn't be the only solution.

And i wish Cory would just stay home. And stop trying to relive her glory days for goodness sakes.

it's all been done by barenaked ladies
posted by maldita @ 11:53 PM  

she had eyes like two turntables mix(h)er in between my dreams and reality blend in ancient themes the bas(e)is of isis cross-faded to ankh the beat drops like a cliff over looking my heart - Saul Williams

    today i'm feeling...The current mood of mescueta at www.imood.com

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