:: musings of a misfit ::: wake me from my slumber.
Saturday, February 19, 2005
wake me from my slumber.
let me tell you a story. a white civic drives into our dead-end street. realizing he went the wrong way, attempted to make a u-turn. But anyone who's been at my house knows that is almost impossible (both sides have parked cars). But he tries anyway. Bump. Hits my brother's car. Panics. Accelerates and almost hits mine.Then speeds off as fast as he can so my security guard can't catch him. (who was probably sleeping anyway but had still seen the car hit and run - thanks to the alarm) Luckily our neighbors had guests who were out for a smoke and saw the whole thing. Dad does his incredible hulk impersonation. Mom calls the village guards to block the car from getting out. Sis is repeatedly asking questions. As soon as i got the context of the story, i calmly go to my brother's room to tell him what happened. "don't freak out, but someone just hit your car"....to which he replied "Really? it's ok." and slowly walks downstairs to take a look. Does not even flinch. I think he's been disensitized since his big car accident.

And over the past few days...something funny happened between my hours of work and slumber. My appetite for affection has been aroused. All thanks to the attention that i have been receiving from some particular people (only close friends know the specifics of what i'm talking about). What makes me all giddy and delighted is the fact that I am still myself - not some stupid blithering idiot carefully selecting my words. It helps to have that sense of comfort - mostly due to the easy-to-be-with disposition of the guy sitting across you. Dreary or drab does not connote depth...so to those who fit THAT description, give it a rest. I have perfect examples of guys with the appeal of cheery teddy bears that you should take a cue from. I thought that days when girls were treated like ladies were long gone. my faith has been restored in the values of men or rather the existence of gentlemen. But maybe kudos go to their moms for raising them right. hehe.
posted by maldita @ 4:36 AM  

she had eyes like two turntables mix(h)er in between my dreams and reality blend in ancient themes the bas(e)is of isis cross-faded to ankh the beat drops like a cliff over looking my heart - Saul Williams

    today i'm feeling...The current mood of mescueta at www.imood.com

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