:: musings of a misfit ::: trouble sleeping.
Sunday, December 18, 2005
trouble sleeping.
i've always had a difficult time sleeping before midnight. More so this month. And these recent seven days i've had very short dreams, most of which are disturbing enough to jolt me awake. There are words that embed themselves in my memory - like the other night i dreamt of a big gross blob monster named kasabian which i had to clean. It's like that scene from Miyazaki's Spirited Away. His name stuck though i had never heard it before. The next day i was watching the movie on the Manson Family and Linda Kasabian was mentioned as one of its members. It's little things like this from my dreams that follow me into the next day. Unexplicable intuitive spurts.

But last night it was even more difficult to get any sleep. as soon as i had finished watching every bearable movie on cinemax, hbo, hallmark and what not, i figured a few tennis games on my mobile phone would exhaust my eyes and mind enough to drift off.

After just one game (i've already reached the third tournament) I felt i just wasn't up to it anymore and shut off the light. Then all of a sudden i heard a very angry man outside my window. Screaming every possible filipino curse at the top of his lungs. i went outside to the common area which enables me to look over the big solid blue gate that divides our village from the bar strip outside. I could just make out this guy who kept getting into his car, looks like he's about to drive away but then stops and comes back, goes out to shout again and this goes on like some instant replay gone haywire. Sometimes he would attempt to strike someone but of course there are his friends trying to stop him also. It just looked like your typical bar-brawl-at-(insert name of latest new place that opened). Guys should really see themselves from the onlooker's point of view. At their attempts to show their (supposedly) strong capabilities, they actually just look ridiculous. arms flailing. voices getting louder as if this would increase his height and build ten-fold. More admirable is the man who can handle a tense situation calmly. Histrionics isn't needed to be firm.

Just when i think it's over and i can go back to my feeble attempts at slumber, i hear him shout again, pounce again, get held back again...yeeesh. Please end. It's already 4am and with this stupid car alarm that has been ringing on the some stupid asshole's car since 2am...can they just go home? If this wasn't enough, we have to put up with the blaring music coming from Fiama, the pathetic singer in the other place next door wailing off key -
weed or weedout yooo...and yoo geeeb mayselp awaaaaay...- not even a double dose of melatonin can put you out of your misery.

Aah i hear motorcyles and the Village/Barangay security guards have arrived. past 4am and from my bed i finally hear a woman's voice. Muffled, but i can just decipher that she's narrating the whole story. Either a woman is enough to pacify this stupid (and did i mention noisy?) display of machismo or it gives the guy even more reason to show more. Heaven forbid his girl sees him back off easily. When all the hullaballoo has finally died down, all the Fiama and Luce patrons have gone home...i can finally have some peace. Oh man...the sun has started to come up. And i stayed home to get some well-needed rest? ay punyeta!

trouble sleeping by the perishers
posted by maldita @ 4:06 AM  

she had eyes like two turntables mix(h)er in between my dreams and reality blend in ancient themes the bas(e)is of isis cross-faded to ankh the beat drops like a cliff over looking my heart - Saul Williams

    today i'm feeling...The current mood of mescueta at www.imood.com

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