my fault, my failure, is not in the PASSIONS I have, but in my lack of CONTROL of them. - Jack Kerouac
:: musings of a misfit ::: FRIENDS.
Monday, July 11, 2005
i don't have the strength to write as well as frank about the great evenings we've been having...but maybe i'll just keep the festivities to myself and all those lucky enough to have been a part of it...Ross (Frank), Chandler (Norby), Joey (Jay), Phoebe (Debbie), Rachel (Cris) and Monica (that would be me.)
but let's have a little photo essay anyway... our tiny little "pot"
my old and new fave band...OVERTONE! happy two years's been great having to spend every thursday night with you...and you know i love you guys more just because you sang "You and Me" for me! oh and here's a pic i took last week. Catch the band at Capones every Tuesday night! And here are the four amigas. Collectively known as coppertone.
she had eyes like two turntables mix(h)er in between my dreams and reality blend in ancient themes the bas(e)is of isis
cross-faded to ankh the beat drops like a cliff over looking my heart - Saul Williams