my fault, my failure, is not in the PASSIONS I have, but in my lack of CONTROL of them. - Jack Kerouac
:: musings of a misfit ::: no time to think or feel.
Sunday, April 17, 2005
no time to think or feel.
thank you to the darlings for taking down undesirable pictures off the web... i also noticed something...when i don't want my face on the picture, i end up with a shot of my face on debbie's cheek! haha! i must look like a lesbian or something. so what the hell am i doing in this shot?! but it's just one of those moments captured last last saturday - i haven't had that much fun in SO long. highlight of the night being when jackie, debbie and fell flat on the floor and i still have the bruises to show for it. this was right before that spill actually... the always reliable debbie & topsy... i think pao and caco were trying to stop us from dancing at this point... can you tell where my hair ends and debbie's begins? haha!
last saturday wasn't different either. Capones was packed to the brim because of this semi-private party celebrating various birthdays. But instead of going home at 6am i decided to check out early in the middle of nino's set at 4am. I just can't keep this up for the remainder of the month (or year), even as I had stayed home friday night to rest.
I think this week really took a toll on me. The other weekend I stayed up till the sun was shining, tuesday I had the kenneth cole launch, thursday i had the My Beauty Hub launch at 6750 then another self-stifling saturday night. sigh. This week we have the Zirh launch on thursday which will probably end late since we expect free-flowing scotch and bands playing.
but a busy sked is sometimes good because there's no room in your clock to even contemplate on hurt - whether inflicted on ego or heart. i'd rather fill up my days with these friends and booze than latch on to the next person (like some other people) who comes my way just so i won't be lonely.
she had eyes like two turntables mix(h)er in between my dreams and reality blend in ancient themes the bas(e)is of isis
cross-faded to ankh the beat drops like a cliff over looking my heart - Saul Williams