Thursday, June 17, 2004 |
Got piss drunk the other night. Puked on Mission street among other places. But surprisingly it was not as bad as it seemed. Or so I thought. It has always been the catalyst for me. It is like a gut-infested sign that you are not allowed to ignore even if you wanted to. A multitude of little details I never noticed before wound into a tight ball of ambivalence...and a non-negotiable I had overlooked recently has resurfaced as the most important one. So I wake up with that realization. Funny how just a tilt in the head or absence of warmth can mean so much.
On the other hand, am pretty happy because – in all my drunken splendor – I still managed to buy a CD of Goh Nakamura after hearing him perform in Ireland32’s that night. Woopee!
posted by maldita @ 12:52 PM