:: musings of a misfit ::
Tuesday, February 03, 2004
With the countless definitions of soulmates, we are left with an even greater ignorance of what it is really about. Much like the transition that occurs when we start to get depressed before birthdays - when as children we anticipated its arrival. When did we change? In our search for answers we are still standing in a state of confusion. Theories and formulas attempt to settle our doubt but just when we are content with an explanation, a contradicting point of view shatters it into deconstructed shards of glass.

This constant questioning could refute the individual arguments of both rationality and emotion. LIke the yin-yang symbol. one can strive for the perfect balance of both. till the day you die. and still not have figured out the meaning of life.

A friend mentioned Griffin & Sabine to me yesterday afternoon. And i racked my brain trying to remember the boy from the past who thought of me enough to give me the trilogy of books as an expression of his sentiment. But i don't have, even an inkling as to who he is. How come we treat others in reverse of what they truly deserve in return? the insanity of it all is the foundation for unrequited adoration.

We like watching movies like Alice in Wonderland and Spirited Away. We anticipate trips to the mazes in carnivals hoping to get lost. Because we know we will eventally find the exit sign. We solved the riddle, the labyrinth of life. With this certainty looming in the horizon - whether distant or near - can't we enjoy turning each corner, not knowing what to expect. It is a always a transition. Maybe we can embrace the fear of getting lost deeper into it but mix in excitement of maybe, just maybe finally figuring out the puzzle. like another year. another day. another hour. another minute. right this moment.
posted by maldita @ 12:04 PM  

she had eyes like two turntables mix(h)er in between my dreams and reality blend in ancient themes the bas(e)is of isis cross-faded to ankh the beat drops like a cliff over looking my heart - Saul Williams

    today i'm feeling...The current mood of mescueta at www.imood.com

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