:: musings of a misfit ::
Saturday, January 24, 2004
Is the universe giving me a sign? Or am I just being too uselessly poignant?
I had to re-read "For the lonely, for those in love"

"Love is a union of people oft separated. On occasion, those two hands have to let go. There is nothing more painful than the separation of people who have found each other. It is hard enough to find anyone, to start with. In a world of seven billion humans connected by a maximum of six degrees, singling out just one person to possess, and who can possess us, is quite a challenge, indeed. So when that elusive accident occurs at last, it is only natural that we hold it to our chest, clasp it tightly with two miserly hands, and hope that love remains within the radius of an extended arm.

But life is a turbulent river, too. On many occasions, it is when we find an ideal match that fate strikes with the cruelest irony of separation. For school, for work, for family, for whatever reason-numerous couples have had to deal with heretofore indulgent proximity suddenly turning on its heels. The circumstances, though fair and practical, always feel unfair and impractical. There is the cost of maintaining a long-distance relationship, the unsettling suspiciousness borne of ignorance, and the devastating absence of the one person in this whole wide world who can make you smile without trying

The fortunate few who have found love know that this is worth fighting for. The continents are but shallow walls that can be scaled through perseverance, and months are slow steps which lead to the eventual reunion. The world is a smaller place for those in love. All problems will be solved, all doubts shall be assuaged, and all the questions this mad world of infinite permutation can be satisfied by a single, simple answer.

Love. "

The fire that is usually associated with the myth of “love at first sight” is not really love but an attraction to someone. This could either be physical, mental or emotional. But it is a fire. It can be built up to rage uncontrolled by those who succumb to its wills. But time and experience teaches us that as fast as it builds up, the faster the burnout. With intense passion follows the ashes and smoke of recrimination. Which is why some have developed the skill of banking a fire so that it lasts longer. Patience and respect for fate’s judgment is what maintains a low flame that will last through the years. Only then does attraction develop into that elusive ardor.

From How to Make an American Quilt:
Glady: So you think it’s easier to start again with something new?
Finn: Yeah I guess so
Glady: How nice to be so unattached to something.

Finn: The right choices will enhance your quilt. The wrong choices will dull the colors, hide their original beauty. There are no rules you can follow. You have to go by instinct and you have to be brave.
posted by maldita @ 12:45 AM  

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    today i'm feeling...The current mood of mescueta at www.imood.com

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