Wednesday, May 14, 2003 |
If you look at my horoscope once more, you will notice it mentions me doing what it takes to finish a project and that I shouldn’t let this make me cranky or whatever. Well, I guess it’s true again. The other night I was doing the group paper for marketing management. Finished a 15 page paper and a 20 slide presentation. All by 6:30am and had just an hour’s sleep before waking up at 7:30 because the presentation was at 8am. God knows how friggin tired I was and right after the presentation, I went straight to my room and slept. I couldn’t stay for the other presentations…sorry about that, but I had no sleep! I was about to collapse! And that I did. At 9am I passed out on the bed, didn’t get up for my two classes that afternoon and just slept. I’d still wake up and cry but then I’d go back to sleep again. You have no clue how tired my eyes are. From both activities.
So what happens when you sleep all day and are wide awake the whole night? You get even more depressed. I went to meet Karl, Jin and Kat for coffee but realized I didn’t want coffee. I wanted a drink. I was becoming bad company at some point so I just left them. I hate it when that happens. I start to feel shitty and I KNOW I’m going to take it out on the people right there so I just leave right away before it gets to that point.
The walk from Coffee Bean to AIM is still pretty long. Needless to say, I didn’t get back to the dorm…until today at around 8:30am. I ended up having a drink somewhere and crashing in my friend’s apartment. Gosh! I realized I haven’t done that in a long time! I don’t really like it either. One, you’re taking up part of your friend’s bed. Two, you always have to be on guard when you drink as to who is hitting on you and Three, there’s no one who cares where or what you’re doing.
Then again, he never cared. He never checked to see if I was home safe. Or who I was with. I still remember a discussion last night in my tipsy stupor (hehe, di pa laseng) wherein a friend was telling me that being lonely is a feeling that doesn’t go away which is why I should allot around a year to get over someone. Then I said, the only thing worse than being single and feeling lonely is being in a relationship and still feeling lonely. That’s what I felt sometimes.
posted by maldita @ 6:18 PM