Sunday, May 11, 2003 |
i have edited this entry...i think it's more censored it...I need it around to remind me of stuff that i felt...and maybe remind me that I shouldn't be too angry that i might hurt people in the process...
I can't even move on in peace! *bleep* called me up today asking how HE was...because apparently last night he was *bleep* well what the fuck! it was *bleep* path to fucking greatness and now i'm still being blamed *bleep* doesn't love me and *bleep* for two whole damn years and *bleep*. Am i to blame for every failure * bleep* and you DID say you wanted to meet other *bleep* and forget everything that we had! because God knows I tried my best and that i deserve someone who knows my worth!
im just venting here. |
posted by maldita @ 4:35 AM