:: musings of a misfit ::
Tuesday, September 09, 2003
I think i'm juggling too many things at once...all because of my goal to become a master in multi-tasking. not an easy feat at all. Let's see, there's the huge amount of reading for classes, the management of the SA store which is in the verge of restructuring and re-organization (MBA teaches you all these fancy words), MRR/thesis proposal and research and of course, maintaining a sense of balance with some semblance of a social life. hehe...my room is such a mess I hardly have time to organize all my files! any few minutes i can muster i use up to take a shower, eat and sleep. Especially sleep! oh yeah let's not forget TV and internet. Aaaah you can really see the necessities in life!

For example, my friend was just telling me that she moved into her new apartment a few weeks ago. Over our cups of cappuccino she proceeded to tell us about her new interest in ironing clothes, buying appliances/furniture and doing the grocery shopping. Then i asked her, what can't you live without? what is the first company you called to have something installed in your place? She said: CABLE TV! Hands down. I on the other hand would have installed my internet access first. hehe...(especially with my new addiction to friendster! almost have 100 friends...i'm so touched. sniff. and it's so nice to be located and remembered by classmates from all the way back in grade school! i am still amazed at this network.)
...so anyway, ever think about it? what would you have installed first?
posted by maldita @ 9:50 AM  

she had eyes like two turntables mix(h)er in between my dreams and reality blend in ancient themes the bas(e)is of isis cross-faded to ankh the beat drops like a cliff over looking my heart - Saul Williams

    today i'm feeling...The current mood of mescueta at www.imood.com

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